
  • Maria Claúdia Perreira Corrêa universidade Tiradentes
  • Eduarda Alves de Oliveira Freitas universidade Tiradentes
  • Marcella do Nascimento Tenório Cavalvante universidade Tiradentes
  • Maria Eduarda Almeida Cavalcanti universidade Tiradentes
  • maria Helena da Silva Universidade Tiradentes
  • Maria Helena Rosa da Silva universidade Tiradentes


discentes de medicina, ensino a distancia, saúde mental


Revisão de literatura referente a saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina durante o periodo da pandemia do SARS-COV2 e a necessidade de adaptação ao ensino remoto para estes estudantes.


Não há dados estatísticos.


ALATEEQ, Deemah; ALJHANI, Sumaya; ALEESA, Dalal. Stress perceived among students in virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 outbreak at KSA. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. Saudi Arabia, 2020.

ARAUJO FJO, DE LIMA LSA, CITY PIM, NOBLE CB, NETO MLR. Impact of Sars-Cov-2 and its reverberation in global higher education and mental health. Psychiatry Res. 2020.

CHINELATTO LA, COSTA TRD, MEDEIROS VMB, et al. What you gain and what you lose in COVID-19: Perception of medical students about their education. Clinics (São Paulo). 2020.

GRUBIC N, BADOVINAC S, JOHRI AM. Student mental health in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: a call for more research and immediate solutions. Int J Soc Psychiatry. P. 517-518. 2020.

GRZYCH G, SCHRAEN-MASCHKE S. Interactive teaching tools can be useful for continuing medical education during the COVID-19 outbreak. Ann Biol Clin (Paris). p 446-448. 2020.

K. REHANA et al. "The sudden transition to synchronized online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study that explores the perspectives of medical students." BMC medical education vol. 20. p. 285. 2020.

KAUP S, JAIN R, SHIVALLI S, PANDEY S, KAUP S. Supporting academics during the pandemic COVID-19: The role of online teaching and learning. Indian J Ophthalmol. P. 1220-1221. 2020.

KILINÇEL, et al. Factors that affect anxiety levels of adolescents in home quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey. Asia Pac Psychiatry. Turkey. Aug / 2020.

MARSHALL, Ariela L.; WOLANSKYJ-SPINNER, Alexandra. COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities for educators and students of Generation Z. Mayo ClinProc, vol. 95, n. 6, p. 1135-1137, abr./2020.

P. SAHI, D. MISHRA, T. SINGH. Medical Education Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Indian Pediatr.; vol. 57 p. 652-657. 2020.

REARDON R, BEYER L, CARPENTER K, et al. Medical student development of elementary and high school educational resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acad Pediatr. p 763-764. 2020.

SEYMOUR -WALSH AE, BELL A, WEBER A, SMITH T. Adaptation to a new reality: the coronavirus COVID-19 and online education in the health professions. Remote Rural Health. 2020.




Como Citar

Corrêa, M. C. P., Freitas, E. A. de O., Cavalvante, M. do N. T., Cavalcanti, M. E. A., Silva, maria H. da, & Silva, M. H. R. da. (2020). A SAÚDE MENTAL DOS ESTUDANTES DE MEDICINA EM TEMPOS DE COVID-19. SEMPESq - Semana De Pesquisa Da Unit - Alagoas, (8). Recuperado de https://eventos.set.edu.br/al_sempesq/article/view/13900



Seminários de Temas Livres - Ciências da Saúde e Biológicas